You know, we work with LOTS of entrepreneurs and business owners, and when you do something over and over….you start to see patterns. At The Future Academy®, we’re committed to helping entrepreneurs LIVE THEIR ENTREPRENEURIAL DREAM.
We believe that entrepreneurship is more than business, and therefore your business should serve your LIFE (not the other way around). Unfortunately, MOST entrepreneurs live and operate from a state of FEAR, SCARCITY, and LIMITATION.
We want to change that. As a small (but hopefully meaningful) gesture, I want to share TWO limiting BELIEFS and BEHAVIORS that we repeatedly encounter in the entrepreneurial space. Both of these limiting beliefs are SIGNIFICANTLY LIMITING the growth and the future of entrepreneurs around the world.
1. Not investing in yourself.
We all feel the emotion of fear at times; it’s normal. However, it is important to remember that most things that we fear never happen. Whenever we face change, we have to deal with some degree of uncertainty. Some people choose to deal with uncertainty through FEAR; others choose FAITH. The people who succeed and bet on themselves in life are those that choose FAITH over FEAR. Ask yourself, if you don’t invest in your growth, why should your customer invest in you? And, what happens if you don’t invest in your own growth? Where will that take you?
2. Not expanding your identity to match the future you want.
A big part of what we do relates to helping people expand the beliefs they have about themselves and the future they are capable of creating.
The truth is, it is very hard to grow beyond your environment. I mean, we are strongly conditioned by our environment, and thereby over 95% of our thinking and our actions is habitual, meaning that we “get more of the same” without even thinking.
Changing your external circumstances starts with you changes your internal thoughts and beliefs. This is a process that requires you to form new “thinking habits”. When you successfully change WHO YOU ARE, you are ready to see the results you want in your business and in your life.
We all feel the emotion of fear at times; it’s normal. However, it is important to remember that most things that we fear never happen. Whenever we face change, we have to deal with some degree of uncertainty. Some people choose to deal with uncertainty through FEAR; others choose FAITH. The people who succeed and bet on themselves in life are those that choose FAITH over FEAR. Ask yourself, if you don’t invest in your growth, why should your customer invest in you? And, what happens if you don’t invest in your own growth? Where will that take you?
2. Not expanding your identity to match the future you want.
A big part of what we do relates to helping people expand the beliefs they have about themselves and the future they are capable of creating.
The truth is, it is very hard to grow beyond your environment. I mean, we are strongly conditioned by our environment, and thereby over 95% of our thinking and our actions is habitual, meaning that we “get more of the same” without even thinking.
Changing your external circumstances starts with you changes your internal thoughts and beliefs. This is a process that requires you to form new “thinking habits”. When you successfully change WHO YOU ARE, you are ready to see the results you want in your business and in your life.
In our FLAGSHIP program Business Breakthrough™ we help people DESIGN and IMPLEMENT the important fundamentals of their business.
A significant part of the process involves getting over these two limitations. When you adopt a LIMITLESS mindset, your future becomes….well….limitless. Which mindset will you choose to adopt?
Just imagine the difference…
Where could you be in 12 months?
Where could you be in 12 months?
12 years?
Your future starts NOW.
Hop on a call with us, and let us coach you toward that future. Our clients keep telling us we’re good at it